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Cleaning of the systems of ventilation and air duct from dirt

For works on AIR DUCT CLEANING from dirt / of dust and fat company Cleanairot.com uses the newest equipment.

For works on AIR DUCT CLEANING from dirt / of dust and fat company Cleanairot.com uses the newest equipment.

Why to clean vent channels and air duct cleaning :

Decline of risk of пожароопасности. Not secret, that a dust and dirt are saved in vent channels, for the self-ignition of that a spark is enough. Fire in air-ducts dangerous that speed of distribution of fire is very high, and for the counted minutes all building can be overcame by flame.
  • it is accordance to the sanitary-hygenic norms
  • it is an increase of tenure of employment of ventilators, conditioners
  • it is a comfort microclimate in productive and dwellings apartments
  • it is an increase of capacity of personnel
  • it is reduction of morbidity of personnel
  • Is it so needed cleaning of air-ducts? Undoubtedly, yes!
40% contaminating substances get in an apartment through a vent system. Distances between filters quite often too large, and muddy air can not get in these filters. Regardless of presence of filters in a vent system some contaminents as shallow particles will penetrate from outward air and will settle on the internal surface of a vent equipment or will get in an apartment. And it yet not all.
Cleaning of the systems of ventilation and air duct from dirt

Best cleaning company in New Jersey's

Contaminents can gather at making, transporting, to storage and options of a vent equipment, reducing quality of acting air to the same. A new vent equipment contains an oily raid. An equipment, transported and stored without packing, can contain contaminents from outward air and soil. During setting of a vent equipment a cement dust or metallic shaving can going to him.

Dirt accumulative in a vent equipment can beneficial soil serve for microbes, on the walls of vent channels, on different heater, cooling, moistening and giving air elements.

Quality of air into an apartment frequently suffers from violation of norms of exploitation, and also planning errors. In vent channels that never brushed, it is possible to find whatever, beginning from building garbage and ending skeletons and excrements of animals. Air-ducts, muddy organic wastes, can transform in nursery of different diseases that spread on a vent system of all building.

We turn Your attention, that employees of company Cleanairot.com passed the corresponding training, and experience on realization of projects on cleaning of ventilation shafts from dirt and dust.

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Категорія: Прес-реліз
Теги: cleaning company, New Jersey's, cleaning

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